Automations were built to help you perform repetitive tasks to help streamline your shipping. Also, keep in mind that automations will be copied to all computers across your organizations.

Once an automation rule is satisfied, the automation process will stop. Default automations should go on the bottom. Rearrange the automations so that the specific rules go towards the top. You can do this by dragging automations up and down using the 2 horizontal lines below.


In order to start the process, hover over the gear icon (top right), click on Settings, and select Automations on the left panel.

Start by creating an automation. Click on the PLUS icon on the top right.

Let's add a simple automation

Sample #1

Create a markup for all shipping costs (same markup across the board of 1.7)  


Select items above. Under the Factor field, type 1.7 and click "Save". Click the PLUS button to create a new automation. The "Extra Flat" field is for adding an additional charge (like $5.00 for shipping and handling)


Sample #2 

Create a markup of 2.0 ONLY for customer "ABC Company".

Enter the above and click the ADD CONDITION (+) on the right

Select Company Name and type the company name (What a Dog Wants) and click "Save"

You will see the following. The first automation will run first. Automations on the top run first, so depending on your goal, you may want to reorganize the automation. You can click on the 2 horizontal lines and drag the automations to re-organize them. 


Sample #3

Add a default email to every transaction

Replace the email address in spot 2. You should leave email #1 blank for the mapping of the email from the CRM/ERP. The email will be replaced once a price is calculated.

Sample #4

For any shipping less than or equal to $25, make the price a flat $25

Sample #5

Markup UPS Ground to 1.5

You'll have to click on ADD CONDITION (+) twice to create 2 conditions

Sample #6

Send no emails for a certain customer


Put in a SPACE under "Email 1"



Sample #7

Add a flat rate of $4 to every shipment


Sample #8

Write back the shipping information without a price only for one client


This is for sample client 123 which is the Vision customer number


Sample #9

Markup all UPS shipping 1.9



Sample #10

Markup all FedEx shipping 1.2


Sample #11

Remove email addresses for a certain client so that they never get email notifications


This is for client #3060 which is the Vision customer number. Although you can't see it in the sample image, you must enter a space in the Email 1 box. The email will be wiped away AFTER you get a weight on the package.

Sample #12

Markup Vision weborders by 1.7



Sample #13

Markup shipping cost by 1.2 and add $5 for handling

Sample #14

Writeback the tracking number but never writeback any pricing/cost



Sample #15

Remove/replace information from the ship-to address block


You may want to always remove/replace information on the ship-to address block. To do this, create an automation with the following setting and replace the info on the address panel. The removal/replacement will take place AFTER the rates are loaded. 



Video walkthrough

Sample #16

Markup insurance


After version 8.0, insurance can be purchased for your shipments. You can apply a markup one of two ways below. Just type the word before or after in the Insurance field below if you want to do a markup and leave the Insurance field blank if no insurance should be added.

before = (shipping cost + insurance cost) * Markup
after = (shipping cost * Markup) + insurance cost

**If you leave the field blank, then no insurance will be added**

For example: Say your shipping cost is $10 and the insurance is $3 with a markup of 1.5

If you type before, the writeback amount will be $19.50 = (10+3) * 1.5 

If you type after, the writeback amount will be $18.00 = (10 * 1.5) + 3

If you leave it empty it will NOT add the insurance cost at all

Sample #17

Create markups based on the total of the invoice (total and subtotal)


You may want to execute commands based on the total of the invoice. The conditions are listed below.