You can customize the email template used to send emails to clients. The sample image below shows a sample of the fields available (A, B, C, etc on the image below). You can match some field names to the example.
Also, you will find sample HTML code attached that you can reference. You will need to send us 2 files.
You can sign up for a free tool to help customize the HTML:
1. The MAIN file contains the main html code that will layout the email
2. The ROW DETAIL file contains the chain of messages for the delivery steps (SECTION K)
{%COMPANY_LOGO%} - Logo image (A)
{%INVOICE_NUMBER%} - Invoice number for the order (B)
{%SHIPPED_DATE%} - Date that the order shipped (C)
{%ORDER_TITLE%} - Invoice description (D)
{%TRACKING_CODE%} - Tracking number/code (E)
{%TRACKING_CODE_URL%} - URL of the tracking number/code
{%REFERENCE_1%} - Reference 1 (F)
{%REFERENCE_2%} - Reference 2 (G)
{%REFERENCE_3%} - Reference 3
{%TO_ADDRESS%} - Address of the TO (H)
{%FROM_ADDRESS%} - Address of the FROM (I)
{%DELIVERY_DETAILS%} - The chain of messages that shows delivery (K)
{%CARRIER%} - Carrier (UPS, FEDEX, USPS)
{%SERVICE%} - Service type (Ground, Next Day Air)
{%COMPANY_WEBSITE%} - Website of the shipping company
{%TITLE%} - i.e. Order was delivered
{%MESSAGE%} - your order was delivered
{%COLOR_PRIMARY%} - Primary color (optional)
{%COLOR_SECONDARY%} - Secondary color (optional)
{%ROW_MESSAGE%} - In section K, the message that says Delivered: Office, Out For Delivery, Today, etc.
{%ROW_ZIPCODE%} - In section K, the zipcode
{%ROW_CITY%} - In section K, the city
{%ROW_STATE%} - In section K, the state
{%ROW_COUNTRY%} - In section K, the country
{%ROW_DATE%} - Date of the status update (Section K on the right side)