ShipLeap Momentum can read the shipping information and write-back the tracking number back to PrintSmith Vision. This article will go through the steps to set up the custom charge in PrintSmith Vision. 

1. Login to Vision with an admin account that can create charges.

2. Next, we need to setup a charge that will hold the tracking number in the notes field. Let's setup a new charge in PrintSmith Vision. 

3. Next you will have to find a category where you want to add the new charge. Hover over the 3 vertical dots on a current charge and click on  "+ Create Charge" as seen below

4. Click on <untitled> to access the details of your new charge.

5. Next type in the charge name "ShipLeap Tracking" PLEASE TYPE THIS EXACTLY AS WRITTEN. Make sure the L is in caps on the word ShipLeap

FYI--If you modify the charge name or configuration, the write-back will not work.

6. Next make all the settings like the pic below. You can change the Sales Category if you wish.

7. Click on the tab on the bottom right. Make sure you click on the Show (notes) slider.

8. Close the tab on the bottom right. Click Save on the top right

NOTES: When ShipLeap Momentum writes the information back to Vision, it will not be immediate. It will take about 15 seconds - 2 minutes to get the data, login, and save information into Vision. There is also a queue system. This is in place to handle the case when the invoice is open (or if the Internet goes down) and the system needs to wait until the invoice is available so that the write back can be completed.

To writeback a cost, you will need to create an automation:

Make sure that the username you use has sufficient permissions:


LEGACY (Discontinued in 5.0)

1. First, we have to change your configuration file. We will need:

a. Your current configuration info (if you are a currently already setup) 

b. Your URL and login info

You can send the info via our website:

2. Next, we need to setup a charge that will hold the tracking number in the notes field. Let's setup a new charge in PrintSmith Vision.

Go to Pricing > Charge Definitions...

3. You will have to create a new charge.

a. Find a Category to save the new charge under. You might want to create a new category or use an existing one. You can select the Category on the left panel. 

b. Then, click "+ New". 

c. Type in the charge name "ShipLeap Tracking" PLEASE TYPE THIS EXACTLY AS WRITTEN

d. Fill in the recommended charge definition options. 

e. Hit "Preset Info" to make sure the tracking number will appear automatically (show notes)

4. Next, make sure that the charge has no dollars attached to is and also make sure the notes are auto displayed by clicking "Show Notes". The tracking number will be saved in the Notes field.

5. Hit "OK" and hit "Save" on the next window to create the charge. 

Now, the charge is all setup for ShipLeap. We will be looking for this charge when the write-back is setup.

NOTES: When ShipLeap Momentum writes the information back to Vision, it will not be immediate. It will take about 15-30 seconds to get the data, login, and save information into Vision. There is also a queue system. This is in place to handle the case when the invoice is open (or if the Internet goes down) and the system needs to wait until the invoice is available so that the write back can be completed.