Possible Causes

  1. The UPS account lacks the necessary permissions to accept third-party billing.
  2. The account number provided is incorrect.

How to Resolve

  1. Double-Check Account Details
    Ensure that the UPS account number entered is accurate. Even a minor error in the account number can trigger this issue.

  2. Verify Account Permissions
    If the account number is correct and the issue persists, it is likely that the target UPS account has not been configured to accept third-party billing.

    • Contact the owner of the target account to confirm that billing permissions are set up correctly.
    • The account holder should reach out to UPS directly to verify and update the account settings if needed.
  3. Note: You will need both the Ship To and Ship From account numbers during this process to assist UPS in troubleshooting.

Please have the account holder contact UPS support or their UPS representative.