In Printsmith Vision, make sure you setup a user to have enough permissions to read and write to an invoice. In addition, please make sure the system monitor feature is turned on. In addition, the charge has to have both the notes and price field editable.

To do this, log in as an admin and give these permissions to the user you setup to do the write-back. If you login as the user and the "Record Lock" feature is greyed out (see below), please do the following

1. Go to security setup

2. Find the Group Name on the left panel that is associated to the user you created and click on the ADMIN / SYSTEM MONITOR

3. Click save and try again. If you logout and log back in using that user, the Record Lock field should NOT be greyed out.

4. Also, if the charge definition does not show the price as an editable field, please check the setting here: